Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 9

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I hope your summer has been fun and exciting so far. I know my
summer has been, as I have been traveling around talking to many
people about my secrets on how to stop acne, during my book
signings and television interviews.

The reason for my email today is I just recently came across an
article in WebMD Magazine, which talked about whether or not name
brand and all-naturally labeled skin care products really work. In
addition to the fact that 70% of all name brand sunscreens they
tested did not work correctly to protect the skin, and also can not
help people to stop acne.

They found that the harmful additives in most skin care products as
well as many products that claim to be "all-natural" (but really
are not) is not good at all for your skin. It begs the question,
"Do you really know what you are putting on your skin?"

So many products these days are labeled all-natural and yet contain
mineral oils, phosphates, urea, and sulfates that actually dry out
and kill skin cells. They are no healthier to use on your skin than
the common products found on the chain store shelves.

The problem is so large that the FDA is now looking at regulating
the labeling of such products, so that their claims have to be
backed up by verifiable results. I agree with their sentiment

I'll use a simple mud mask as an example. While no one would go out
and dig up some bacteria laden soil in the backyard and slather it
on their face, there are products claiming to be all-natural that
are clearly not good for you.

They have not been tested properly and more than likely will not
meet what will soon be the new FDA test for safety and
effectiveness. No wonder so many of these products create more
problems instead of correcting them!

We live in an exciting time where nature and science can come
together and truly create all-natural products that are stabilized
and highly effective. This is exactly what happened when I got
together with a leading dermatologist who also believed and used
all-natural approaches to caring for the skin, and our creation was

It meets both tests of providing you real results you can truly see
and having the highest standards of any other all-natural product
available today.

Ginalé was designed to replace the everyday products you already
use, to provide an all-natural skin care regimen that would create
the necessary environment for your skin to heal itself and stay
healthy and young-looking. This line accomplishes these goals by
assisting your skin in increasing its cellular turnover rate.

The ingredients are made from things like olive oil and glycerin
that won't harm skin cells. They are so effective that the products
often last for two months or more, which can really save you
money in addition to saving your skin while doing the best method
on how to stop acne and prevent it forever.

How to Stop Acne

Monday, July 28, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 8

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I wanted to drop you a short post today to pass on some exciting
news. I often get questions from people just like you who want to
know how to stop acne fast and learn more about the Acne Free
in 3 Days story, and what I personally do to keep my skin looking
so good. I understand the need to know very intimately and as
always, I want to come through for you.

For the first time you can now view an actual nationally televised
demonstration of what I talk about in the book. In other words you
can literally "see" the methods I recommend in action, learn a
little more about me in the process, along with what I would like
to share with you.

I invite you to visit the site and watch for yourself to learn
more about the awesome results "Acne Free in 3 Days" can help
you achieve.

I often get asked what the main stream thinks about the approach in
my book to skin care. Well, what a better way for you to get a
fair and balanced look than my recent appearance on FOX 26 NEWS
In Depth segment. I hope this helps you see how revolutionary
Acne Free in 3 Days really is from an independent source.

Why continue to waste your time and money on things and on other
methods on how to stop acne that do not work. So just please
click on image and get your copy today!

How to Stop Acne

Friday, July 25, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 7

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I hope my post about how to stop acne finds you happy and well.
I was just going through my email this morning and found I had
received an exciting letter from Skin Culture USA. Due to the
fact I have been traveling the last few days, I almost missed it!

If you did not know, this is the company that makes the number one
product I recommend for removing the deep layers of damaged skin,
age spots, uneven skin tone... and even for stopping acne scarring!

There is no other product like this and it is what I have been
using for several years now to maintain outer skin health, and get
the deep exfoliation necessary for skin rejuvenation. This is how I
removed years of deep acne scarring when nothing else worked.

I have received many requests about this product and interestingly
enough, I just spent several days speaking with television anchors
concerned about how they look now that everything is going digital
and high definition, and what they could do to dramatically improve
the look of their skin since they cannot wear as much makeup now. The
men were more concerned that the women! :)

Well, I recommended the Skin Culture USA Peel, and in fact it is
the only thing I would recommend when a complete regeneration of
the complexion is required when you are done with all the tips
on how to stop acne. Especially if you're trying to improve
the evenness of your skin from acne and it's scarring.

How to Stop Acne

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 6

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I wanted to follow up with you now that you have had an opportunity
to receive and hopefully put to use my 5 basic secrets to clearing
your skin. I appreciate all the wonderful feedback I have received
on how educational and useful this information is and that is what
I wanted to accomplish - helping you to understand some of the very
basic principles on how to stop acne.

Many have said they want to go further and actually have the clear
and radiant skin I speak of as being possible. It is possible! I
know that acne is very debilitating. I know this personally as I
struggled for many years with it. I have been blessed though in
finding the answer and being able to share it with so many other
people who wanted to learn how to stop acne.

That is why I wrote "Acne Free in 3 Days" in the first place. I was
reluctant to write about it at first, but my family and friends who
had suffered (as all of us who battle acne have suffered) insisted
and encouraged me to share my story. More importantly, they wanted
me to share the natural and inexpensive way to "win the battle"
over acne.

How to Stop Acne

I know you can easily get trapped in to taking expensive drugs and
endless programs of products that provide no real, long-term
relief. I know it gets confusing when researching and trying to
decide what to do.

I am going to tell you that you can make a choice here today that
can literally change your life... just like it changes the lives of
so many day after day... year after year. Take this recent clients
letter to me:

"Chris, WOW! I followed your instructions for the full 3 days, and
I woke up this morning to the best surprise of my life! It's simply
amazing how much my skin cleared up between last night and this
morning...it's a miracle! I have been suffering from acne since the
age of 12, and being 22 now, I figured I was pretty much stuck with
it until I got much older. I have spent hundreds of dollars on
over-the-counters, medications, and dermatologists - and nothing
ever helped calm my acne like this. Also, my skin used to be very
dry and pink in tone...now it's peachy and has a "glow" to it! I
can't thank you enough for sharing this wonderful and easy program.
I feel like me again!"

Julie McCartan, 22
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

THIS CAN BE YOU STARTING RIGHT NOW! Friends you already have
my 5 secrets on how to stop acne. Now it is time to take action
and get the whole story. All you have to do is simply use the same
methods I use to have an Acne Free life!

How to Stop Acne

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 5

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I hope these articles have been informative and helpful. By now you
should be getting a good understanding of the simple steps on
how to stop acne and have a healthy glowing skin.

Last time we talked a little about diet and how it relates on
how to stop acne for a clearer skin. I gave you the third secret
of cutting the sugars from your diet. I hope you have thought
about this decision and given it a chance. If you do, you will
find out as I did that the long-term results you will receive
will be incredible.

In this email I would like to focus a little more on what you are
feeding yourself and your skin. I will not be telling you to cut
anything else out of your diet, but to add more of two very
important nutrients back in.

Basic Secret #4: Get Plenty Vitamin C & Water

Everyone has heard that old saying, "An apple a day keeps the
doctor away." Well I will go much further than that and tell you
that what you put in your mouth has a huge impact on the overall
health of your skin... your largest organ!

In my book, "Acne Free in 3 Days," I go to great lengths on this
subject. However, what I can reveal to you today is that the most
important supplement you need to make sure you have in your diet is
Vitamin C.

How to Stop Acne

Vitamin C is responsible for the skins overall functional and most
importantly, its ability to repair itself and produce/maintain
collagen. You can take Vitamin C easily enough, but you should try
to add foods containing high levels of Vitamin C to your diet.

Some examples include spinach and broccoli (both also rich in
Iron), citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes (I like to
put a slice in my water), and even potatoes which have 25 mgs of
Vitamin C.

You can find out exactly how much Vitamin C I recommend for you to
take daily by getting my book, but everyone should at a minimum be
getting the RDA amount of 60 mgs to avoid deficiency problems like
scurvy. You can get the same Vitamin C I use by following through
to the next link.

How to Stop Acne

Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis helps to maintain the
skin's elasticity, and is simply just essential to the health of
your body and skin. One of the main activities of the body's
self-healing system is to filter the blood, a job performed mostly
by the kidneys, with help from the skin in the form of

This self-healing system removes the toxic wastes of metabolizing
food and of other harmful substances that get into our bodies one
way or another. This purification system operates efficiently only
if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry
away the wastes.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses (64 fluid ounces) of water a day is the
recommendation. To reach your quota, carry bottled water with you
in your car, your purse, your briefcase -- wherever you go.

By following the basic steps I have outlined so far in the past
four emails, you should be well on your way to creating the maximum
environment for great looking skin. If you would like to learn all
of my secrets along with a faster way to clearing your skin, then
click on Image on the left side to learn more about how to stop acne
permanently in just three days!

How to Stop Acne

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 4

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

With the passing of the 4th of July holiday, I am realizing that
summer is at the mid point and wanted to take a moment to talk
about some common summer issues with skin care and how to stop
acne effectively.

Depending on where you live more intense heat, sun intensity, and
in some areas dry hot winds can exacerbate skin conditions of all
types. By now you should know to use a good SPF 30 product (one
that protects both UVA and UVB rays), such as the SPF 30 found by
clicking on the next link, which is what I love to use. This one tip is
really useful in your quest on how to stop acne.

How to Stop Acne

More importantly, during summer our skin is exposed to more
environmental stress than at any other time of year. Your skin also
sweats more and produces more oils this time of year.

All of this can lead to increases in breakouts, rashes, and
over-sensitive skin. Many of us are more prone to get deeper acne
breakouts and so on, but it does not have to be this way.

While I talk about these environmental issues at length and what
you can immediately do about them in my book, I wanted to share a
few tips here again with you.

First, you need to be sure you are using a glycerin or sorbitol
based facial soap or wash. This way, you get clean without leaving
a waxy residue on the skin that can actually block pores and cause
more skin issues.

Secondly, you need to use a good antiseptic for treating any small
cuts, scrapes, or breakouts, such as all-natural tea tree oil. This
is what I use with great success. All of the things I use and
recommend can be easily found by following through to the next link.

How to Stop Acne

Another thing to look at is the change in the diet that people
usually experience in the summer months. Avoiding sugary foods and
replacing them with complex carbohydrates for energy can play a key
role in maintaining healthy skin.

Summer is a great time to show off great skin. If your skin is not
where you want it to be, then I would recommend for you to follow
the tips I have listed above along with the basic secrets you have
already received.

I would also strongly recommend for you to get a copy of Acne Free
in 3 Days, as it will take you further in your acne education and
provide you with a great natural program on how to stop acne in
just 3 days.

How to Stop Acne

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 3

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I hope you are finding these letters helpful to you in your quest
on how to stop acne and have a clear and radiant skin. Last time
I talked about one of themost important secrets to clearing your
skin, regular exfoliation. I hope you were able to apply the advice
and are now reaping the immediate rewards.

Now I told you there would be five basic secrets that I would
reveal to you. Today I want to talk a little bit about diet and
acne. No matter where I go, I always get asked about diet in
relation to the skin. Does diet play any role at all in skin
health? You bet it does!

Did you realize that there are almost no mentions of skin disorders
reported in the ancient texts of time? Only leprosy and infection
are given their proper context.

Acne I believe is primarily a 20th Century disease. Our pollution
levels, poor eating habits, and overuse of antibiotics have allowed
yeast (Candida Albicans) to get out of control.

How to Stop Acne

The results? Acne is fairly limited to western civilization but is
becoming more of a problem as other cultures incorporate processed
foods into their eating habits. There are over 17 million chronic
acne sufferers in the United States alone...and 1 in 3 will have to
deal with some form of it in their lifetime.

My own experience also says yes! Absolutely diet affects your skin.
I can remember a time when I could down a regular Coca Cola and my
acne would begin to redden and intensify in less than five minutes!
It was reacting to the sugar in the cola.

In my book, "Acne Free in 3 Days," I talk at great lengths providing
scientific evidence on food and its relationship to being healthy
and how your skin looks.

How to Stop Acne

There are specific changes you can make today for the long term to
have better overall health and skin. What is one of the diet
secrets for having great looking skin I want to share with you

Basic Secret #3: Cut the Sugars

Lowering sugar intake is one of the main keys of skin health.
Although food does make a difference that can be dramatic, did you
also know certain foods can be healers as well?

The fantastic discovery I made that you can use food (one of the
components in my book) to help you eliminate acne permanently has
benefited so many people - myself included.

You now have 3 key basic secrets that will help you to improve your
health and rejuvenate your skin! Starting today, I recommend for
you to cut out as much sugar as you can from your diet. The
results you will receive over a period of time will be remarkable.

If you would like to learn all of my secrets today along with
how to stop acne in just three days, then follow through
this link ---> Acne Free In 3 Days

How to Stop Acne

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 2

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I promised I would post my next basic secret on how to stop
acne and here it is! Last time I talked about making a simple
change to the type of soap or face wash you are currently using. I
hope you were able to visit our site below and learn more about the
all-natural glycerin based soaps we have available.

How to Stop Acne

I am sure you have probably already heard that besides washing
regularly, there are three other steps you can take to help get
clear skin. The first step would be using a toner, while the
second step would be using a good moisturizer.

Although I would agree with finding and using a good moisturizer
if you have normal or dry skin, it would not be recommended to be
used for oily or even combination skin. In my case, I have found
most facial skin toners to be completely useless.

I do not even use a moisturizer very often because I have combination
skin. Whether you use either of the above steps mentioned is going
to depend on your skin type and personal results.

However, the third step is a critical one everyone should be following. It
does not matter what skin type you have, you should always follow this
basic secret to clearing your skin.

How to Stop Acne

Basic Secret #2: Regular Exfoliation

One of the major things I found when I was trying to clear my skin
was my lack of consistent exfoliation. Exfoliation is the natural
process of flaking away of the outer skin cells, revealing a new
layer of skin that exposes and protects you from the outside
elements. As we get older, the exfoliation process tends to slow

This can lead to an abnormal buildup of dry skin on the surface
that blocks pores and causes breakouts, or contributes to the
wrinkling of skin. Some people are more genetically inclined in the
slowing of their natural exfoliation, and often have serious issues
with blocked pores and acne. The key here is to speed up the
exfoliation process so that the skin renews itself much quicker. This
can be accomplished by the following methods:

1. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids. These are widely available
over-the-counter and are the mildest form of fruit acids used to
create a peeling of the skin. They work slowly over time to speed
up the exfoliation process. I talk about this in greater detail in
my book, "Acne Free in 3 Days."

How to Stop Acne

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are usually pretty inexpensive and
give good results in about 6-8 weeks. They range in strength from 5%
up to 20% generally. The stronger ranges (20% and higher) are
reserved for more intensive peeling.

I have created my own all-natural brand of alpha and beta hydroxy
exfoliating gels. You can read more about these kinds of effective
products and learn more about my entire line of all-natural skin care
called Ginalé, by visiting the next link and clicking on the black
banner in the middle of the page.

How to Stop Acne

2. Dermabrasion. This process is much like a sanding of the skin -
much like you would sand an object with sandpaper. The goal with
this method is to remove the outer layers of the dermis - usually
up to 4 layers. For severe acne scarring, there is the operative
dermabrasion performed by a doctor.

This is of course more expensive, requiring a long recovery period, but
it will remove much of the outer layers of skin. There are also middle
type dermabrasion processes like aluminum oxide crystals. These are
performed in salons and require several treatments and can be quite
expensive -- though they are effective.

Many celebrities not wishing to have an acid peel reportedly choose
this method over other dermabrasion options. There is a drawback, this
treatment has been widely reported to create a shine on the skin that
is hard to cover up. There is very little downtime with using a process
like aluminum oxide crystals although it is costly.

How to Stop Acne

3. Peels. There are so many types of peels available and the word
"peel" is so over-used these days that you could write an entire
book on them. I will give you the top choices I know of and stick
to what I call real peels.

A real peel will remove several layers of outer skin revealing the
healthy new skin underneath. If you have ever had sunburn and then
peeled - you will know exactly what I mean by "new skin."

These peels work in a similar fashion. Here are the three I have
the most experience with.

1. Glycolic Acid Peel - is a very strong version of the alpha
hydroxy fruit acid mixture. It works by loosening the dead and
ready to shed skin cells. It does not damage or burn any live cells
and removes only the outermost layers. It leaves the skin softer
and more even toned and usually takes 2-3 treatments over a period
of a month to be noticeable.

2. TCA Peel. This is a true acid peel usually performed by a
dermatologist or certified salon esthetician. This treatment does
burn the outer layers of skin and carries with it some discomfort
and risk of infection. It all but removes the outer layers of skin
and there is a healing time of about one and a half to two weeks.

It has varying strengths and time frames to be used on the skin and
should only be performed by a certified professional. These peels
can give good results but are painful and can be costly. You will,
however, get almost immediate results... as soon as the old skin
peels off you have very even skin tone and reduction of spots and

3. Phenol Peel. These peels act in much the same way as the TCA
peels but are very strong and are required to be performed by a
medical professional. I don't recommend you to use phenol peels, as
they have been replaced by the milder glycolic and TCA peels in the
dermatological profession.

4. Skin Culture USA Peel for deep layer skin renewal. This is a natural
mixture that has been in use since the 1930's. It provides the same
results as the stronger phenol and TCA peels, but without burning
the skin or risk of infection. I have personally used these peels
for over 4 years and have had great results!

How to Stop Acne

I get comments about the results the peel has given me anytime I
am in public or in a television studio. I talk extensively about this
remarkable product in my book "Acne Free in 3 Days" and the wonders
it has done in removing the old scarring my acne had left behind.

I would recommend this treatment to anyone wishing to have clearer
skin or wanting to reduce wrinkles and photoaging in a dramatic
way. Reasonable in cost and very effective describes the Skin
Culture USA Peel. You can learn more about it at

I hope you have found this information helpful. Exfoliation is one
of the big, basic secrets to having clear and radiant skin. I look
forward to sharing my next skin care secret with you.

P.S. Are you looking for a proven method on how to stop acne?
Would you be interested in learning how I have been acne free for
over 20 years, without using any acne medication or over-the-counter
products? If so, then follow through to the next link to learn
more about my personal battle with acne and how I can help you
overcome yours starting today ---> Acne Free In 3 Days

How to Stop Acne

Friday, July 18, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 1

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

The reason you more than likely visited our website today is because
you were looking for information on how to stop acne. Just to
give you a little background about myself, I started having serious
skin problems as a teenager in high school. I tried the different
treatments available on the market, like the skin care creams, lotions,
and cleansers. Nothing really gave me the results I was looking for.

In fact, I found out years later that the same over-the-counter
products I had spent money on and tried had assisted in worsening
my acne condition. I mean I was only a teenager and I did not know
what I was doing. I had just seen the commercials on TV and went
to the local Wal-Mart or Target to buy what they were selling. The
other side of it was my friends and family kept giving me advice on
what products to try that they thought worked the best.

Over the years and after much trial and error, I found out there
are some things you could do immediately that gave excellent
results. This is when I figured out the first real basic secret
to having clear skin.

How to Stop Acne

Basic Secret #1: Using a Glycerin Based or Sorbitol Based Soap or
Face Wash.

You have probably noticed that with most soaps and washes on the
market, it is difficult to remove all the oil on the skin without
over-drying or irritating it. I would also always feel an oily
residue especially around the T zone (middle forehead to nose and
chin). A lot of what I tried even left a waxy feeling that I have
now come to understand contributes to blocking the pores and
causing breakouts in many people.

It was when I tried glycerin based soaps that I got great cleaning
without the dryness or waxy feel to my skin. I found the same was
true of sorbitol face washes as well. These types of soaps also
balance the pH of the skin, creating a hostile environment for bacteria.

By replacing both my soap and face wash with the more effective
alternatives I was able to find, my road to clear skin had been
completely changed. I know that if you make similar changes, you
are sure to get good results like I did.

This is also the reason why I created my own brand of face wash
that is glycerin based. It is part of my all-natural Ginalé line of skin
care products based on my book.

If you are interested in using the same all-natural glycerin based
soaps I use, then please follow through to the next link to read
more about them. Make sure you click through on the black
banner in the middle of the page... you can't miss it.

How to Stop Acne

I hope you found this information helpful and useful. It is the
first step in a series of five basic secrets to clearing your
skin. There are four other ones I will be sending along, so be
sure to look for my next message to you.

If you would like to learn all of my secrets along with how I
was able to get rid of my acne condition in just three days, then
follow through to the link below to take a look at this website. It
will provide you with more information and tips from my #1 best
selling book "Acne Free In 3 Days."

Just recently The Birmingham Times called it, "A groundbreaking
'rule-book' for getting clear and healthy skin in 3 days!" You can
find out so much more about how to get incredible looking skin by
following through to this link ---> Acne Free In 3 Days

How to Stop Acne