Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Lesson 3

How to Stop Acne

Copyright © Chris Gibson
Acne Free In 3 Days

I hope you are finding these letters helpful to you in your quest
on how to stop acne and have a clear and radiant skin. Last time
I talked about one of themost important secrets to clearing your
skin, regular exfoliation. I hope you were able to apply the advice
and are now reaping the immediate rewards.

Now I told you there would be five basic secrets that I would
reveal to you. Today I want to talk a little bit about diet and
acne. No matter where I go, I always get asked about diet in
relation to the skin. Does diet play any role at all in skin
health? You bet it does!

Did you realize that there are almost no mentions of skin disorders
reported in the ancient texts of time? Only leprosy and infection
are given their proper context.

Acne I believe is primarily a 20th Century disease. Our pollution
levels, poor eating habits, and overuse of antibiotics have allowed
yeast (Candida Albicans) to get out of control.

How to Stop Acne

The results? Acne is fairly limited to western civilization but is
becoming more of a problem as other cultures incorporate processed
foods into their eating habits. There are over 17 million chronic
acne sufferers in the United States alone...and 1 in 3 will have to
deal with some form of it in their lifetime.

My own experience also says yes! Absolutely diet affects your skin.
I can remember a time when I could down a regular Coca Cola and my
acne would begin to redden and intensify in less than five minutes!
It was reacting to the sugar in the cola.

In my book, "Acne Free in 3 Days," I talk at great lengths providing
scientific evidence on food and its relationship to being healthy
and how your skin looks.

How to Stop Acne

There are specific changes you can make today for the long term to
have better overall health and skin. What is one of the diet
secrets for having great looking skin I want to share with you

Basic Secret #3: Cut the Sugars

Lowering sugar intake is one of the main keys of skin health.
Although food does make a difference that can be dramatic, did you
also know certain foods can be healers as well?

The fantastic discovery I made that you can use food (one of the
components in my book) to help you eliminate acne permanently has
benefited so many people - myself included.

You now have 3 key basic secrets that will help you to improve your
health and rejuvenate your skin! Starting today, I recommend for
you to cut out as much sugar as you can from your diet. The
results you will receive over a period of time will be remarkable.

If you would like to learn all of my secrets today along with
how to stop acne in just three days, then follow through
this link ---> Acne Free In 3 Days

How to Stop Acne

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