Monday, August 11, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Special Underlying Medical Conditions Associated With Acne

How to Stop Acne

Special Underlying Medical Conditions Associated With Acne
Copyright © Zion

Some medical conditions may cause or aggravate acne. Patients with these medical conditions often have more severe acne that does not respond well to standard treatment.

Androgen Excess

Acne in females, if accompanied by irregular periods, excessive hairiness and oiliness, male-pattern baldness, and deepening of the voice, is suggestive of androgen

- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
This is the most common cause of androgen excess in women, where the ovaries are large and contain many cysts, resulting in an imbalance in the hormones produced by the ovaries. The affected woman has oily skin, acne and irregular menstrual periods. She is also usually obese, hairy and sub-fertile.

- Androgen-secreting ovarian or adrenal tumours

- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-hydroxylase deficiency)
The lack of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase in the adrenal glands (special glands found just above the kidneys) causes an overproduction of precursor hormones with androgenic properties. More severe and classical forms of this condition are usually detected during infancy. Non-classical or late-onset forms may occur with symptoms of androgen excess and acne during childhood or after puberty.

How to Stop Acne

Cushing’s Syndrome

This condition results from too much cortisol (a glucocorticoid hormone) in the body. This may result from an excess production of the hormone by the body, from prolonged ingestion of steroid tablets (prednisolone, dexamethasone), or from repeated injections of steroids for other skin or medical conditions (for example, eczema, or asthma)

Cushing’s Syndrome is characterized by obesity affecting the face (moon face), neck (buffalo hump) and body but not the limbs. Apart from acne, excessive growth of facial and body hair, skin thinning, fragility and easy bruising, purplish stretch marks (striae) are often signs of Cushing’s Syndrome as well.

How to Stop Acne

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