Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to Stop Acne - Post-acne Blemishes and Scars – Part 2

How to Stop Acne

Post-acne Blemishes and Scars – Part 2
Copyright © Zion

Acne Scars
The most important reason for treating acne early and effectively is that permanent scarring can occur if the inflammation is left too late. Acne scars, unlike post-acne redness and pigmentation, are permanent.

Unfortunately, current treatments for acne scars are costly, and only partially improve the scars. Scar treatment should only be considered for patients whose acne is well controlled dormant.

The Two Main Types of Acne Scars and their Treatment is as follows:

Depressed Acne Scars

These are the most common acne scars. They vary in appearance and depth. Dermatologists classify them as ice-pick scars (narrow, deep-pitted scars) box-car type scars (round, oval depressions with sharply demarcated vertical edges) and rolling scars (scars causing the skin to take on an undulating appearance) to fine-tune techniques of improving them. Most patients display a combination of the different types of acne scars.

How to Stop Acne

Total removal of acne scars is not possible but the following treatments may improve the appearance of depressed scars by making them shallower and their margins less distinct.

Scar Revision

Scar Revision (surgery) is necessary to improve the appearance of deep scars, for example, ice pick scars be cut-out (excised) and the skin stitched back to close up the scar. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and several sessions may be needed. Scar revision results in a shallow scar than originally; residual scars can subsequently be further improved by other non-surgical techniques.

Treatments for Acne Scars:

- Surgery
- Ablative Laser Resurfacing
- Non-ablative Laser Treatment
- Chemical Peeling
- Filler Injections
- Dermabrasion

How to Stop Acne

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